MPL provides access to dynamic collections, appropriate technology, and global information to support and enrich individual, family, and community life."
209 E Center St Madison, SD 57042

Reviewed and approved by the Library Board of Trustees, March, 2010
Reviewed and Updated, January, 2024
The Madison Public Library has a room that may be used as public meeting area: the Nancy Sabbe Meeting Room.
Priority is given to programs sponsored by the Library when scheduling the use of the library’s meeting rooms. If not reserved for Library purposes, the meeting rooms are available for public gatherings of civic, cultural, or educational nature. The library’s meeting rooms may not be used for:
Private social functions, such as birthday parties or baby showers,
Fundraising except where the group’s purpose is the betterment of the Library,
Promotion or sale of products or services, or
Any event where admission is charged.
Meetings may be held only during regular hours of library service and/or staffing. Any group or persons conducting a meeting will have access to the facility only during the time period designated on the Room Reservation form. Meetings must be concluded so that all participants may exit the Library no later than the normal closing time on that day. Allow time needed for setup, cleanup, and related support services when scheduling the meeting room(s). Any group or persons whose meeting is scheduled earlier and/or later than regular hours of library service/staffing will be charged $25.00 per hour fee.
Requests for reservation of the meeting rooms should be made at the Circulation Desk. An application form must be completed before scheduling is confirmed. Requests are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Meetings may not be scheduled more than 90 days in advance and should be scheduled at least 3 days in advance.
Light refreshments may be served but no cooking other than hot drinks will be allowed in the meeting rooms. Sponsoring groups are responsible for cleanup and will be billed for any special cleaning necessary following a meeting. Setting up tables, chairs, and other physical arrangements are the responsibility of the organization using the meeting room(s).
Use of alcohol and/or tobacco is prohibited anywhere in the library, including meeting rooms.
Use of the Library’s meeting room does not imply that the Library endorses or supports the viewpoints, beliefs, or policies expressed by the group or persons using the space. The Library’s Board of Trustees reserves the right to deny or revoke permission to use the meeting room(s). An organization may request a waiver of these policies at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.
Group members are responsible for the supervision of their children while using the meeting room.
Nancy Sabbe Meeting Room Contract