MPL provides access to dynamic collections, appropriate technology, and global information to support and enrich individual, family, and community life."
209 E Center St Madison, SD 57042

Libby, by OverDrive
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started.
8 checkouts at a time
21-day checkout period
Renewals possible.
Use the Libby App to download:
When searching for our library, select South Dakota Digital Consortium

Need Help?
Sign in by selecting Madison Public Library and entering your 14-digit library card.
Your password is last name in all CAPS and only 8 characters long.
For example:
Smith = SMITH
Veldhuizen = VELDHUIZ
For any other questions please contact the library at 605-256-7525.
If you need assistance with our services, staff will be happy to assist you.
Call: 605-256-7525

Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, or music. All you need is a library card. Hoopla offers more content, in more places, than any other digital library platform.
Use the Hoopla App or website to download:
TV Shows
When searching for our library, use our zip code: 57042
If you need assistance with our services, staff will be happy to assist you.
Call: 605-256-7525
Need Help?
Register for a hoopla account
Get Started -> Let’s Go
-> Search by Zip Code: 57042
-> Select Madison Public Library
You will need to provide an email address, create a password, and have your library card.
The free mobile app can be found in the Apple Store and the Google Play store.
For any other questions please contact the library at 605-256-7525.